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The Gospel of John stands in contrast or as a compliment to the other three gospels.  Where they record what Jesus did and said, John often includes the meaning or significance, the “why it matters” element.   John is concerned the reader understand that God, the one who speaks, the logos, became flesh, so that anyone who believes can be a child of God.

God loves the world so much that God gave His one and only Son so that . . .

. . . Neither Jews nor Greeks could fathom, conceive, that God would, or even could, reveal Himself in and to our world.  But He did!  The Word became flesh! The Spirit came down from heaven and remained!

. . . The miracles John relates lead to belief.

. . . The sermons John relates lead to belief.

. . . The great “I Am” declarations lead to belief.

All this, amazingly, was not just for Jews but also for Samaritans (part Jews) and gentiles (non Jews).  For us.

The gems of this book are available to the skeptic, inquirer, fence sitter, new believer, and those who have walked with God for some time.  Amazingly, those who are most familiar with the Gospel of John seem the most eager to dive in and treasure an ever deepening relationship with God.

Join us as we study the Word of God together!